Sunday, February 27, 2011

The World Seems to Love to See me Suffer

My room is a mess. It had been weeks since I put everything in its proper places. I wanted to get down and pick things up but my schedule is too much to bear. The only hours I have for my room is enough to give me some rest.

Today, I went home at 3PM, hoping to take a few hours of nap. I was watching "Legend of the Seeker" (the series I was watching since November last year) until I fell asleep. Suddenly, after about 40 minutes, somebody was screaming at my door. Looking for something. He opened my door and insisted on asking where the hell is the shoe polish. Of course I don't know where it is since I am not accustomed to polishing my own shoes. And due to that racket, I was up. I never got a chance to really take a good nap.

I wanted to sleep some more but I am so furious to do so.

Now, I am up again. Looking at my schedule. Thinking... How the hell could I bet my deadlines?

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