Friday, February 27, 2009

JS Prom of MLC

JS Prom has really changed since my days. Now, it is not only attended by the Third Year and Fourth Year High School but also with the Grade 5 and Grade 6 Elementary Pupils. Of course, the suits and gowns of the children are more sophisticated and elegant than before. That is why I also suit up for the event. Besides, I don't want to look like a "yayo" of the kids.

The night is really enjoying. I enjoyed the beauty of the night... Plus I took the opportunity to pose with some of the lovely (young) women of the night...







Unknown said...

what.. nobody called your attention to your collar and tie?.. oh well, at least it seems you enjoyed the night so well..

i never enjoyed such.... too expensive to go to such a prom and all.. soy pobrecito cuando mi secundaria..

Mysticlake said...

this suit is my second dress. The first kasi, we danced the samba. Kaya it's less formal. I just changed to a formal coat and tie because i have to dance the waltz with a student... i guess nobody really noticed the collar and tie. it's because everything is in chaos, everyone are busy with picture taking.