On January, we were invited to attend to a wedding of a family friend. Mom insisted for me to come. That was the first time that the people in Isulan saw me. There were old friends who saw me. The talk about my tv appearances was in the air. I just smiled and was just very glad to see everyone.
Then Nay Adame, the cathecist, saw me. She came to me. I was so surprised to see her. We had a great time way back then, giving recollections to different public schools. But of course, she changed. She aged a lot. She invited me to handle recollections again to the grade six pupils of the different public schools. I hesitated. But she assured me to just give me a few schedules. Then I agreed.
Then everything happened so fast. I got several schedules to about five schools. I was really adjusting, since I haven’t done this for a long time. The first thing I did was to look for my old files and some of my old religious song collections. I reveiwed on some of my basic cathecisms. It’s been about 6 years since I’ve given a recollection.
Everything went well. Before I noticed it, I’ve talked to more than a thousand pupils from different schools. Even the ladies from the Legion of Mary requested for my presence to talk to them even for just four to five hours. I enjoyed the time. It’s like going back into my seminary days. Talking to the people about my experiences. Sharing to them about my thoughts on personhood, friendship and spirituality had given me an opportunity to enlighten and inspire people around me. The monetary compensation is not much. But the experience is really rich. Not only have I shared my person to various kids, I’ve also learned from all of their life experiences. In a way, I also get inpired to continue the journey, no matter where it takes me… I am not worried, I have BATHALA on my side.